1993 - Love Tara
I bought this album about 16 years ago when I was a junior in high school in Spokane, WA at a little store on North Monroe called 4000 Holes. (Told you we'd be back) I had taken the bus downtown really early that day so I could get some coffee and look at records and just try to pretend to be living some bohemian lifestyle far far away from the flat hell of the northside in Spokane. I remember it was very snowy so it must have been in November or early December. Maybe even January. The owner of the store, Bob, had put the album on in the store while I was browsing around, looking quite literally through every single record in the store. (I did this once a week at least. sorry Bob.) I looked up and asked him what he was playing and he said "Here. These guys are from Canada." and handed me the record cover. I must have just stood there and stared at it for like four songs, trying to wrap my head around what I was hearing. I was hooked.
I spent the last of my money, including bus fare, on a cd copy so I could listen to it in my headphones while I walked home through several miles of snow. It was normally a completely miserable, cold, wet, long, uphill trek but I spent the whole walk in a state of total jubilation. From the sublime perfect songcraft of "Behind the Garage" to the soaring buzzed out bliss of 'Sunlight' there isn't a song on here that doesn't take me right back to when i first heard it. Hearing 'Blinded' was like a sea change for me. I sat down on a curb, played it three times in a row and decided right then that I wanted to continue making music for the rest of my life. I felt... liberated. The way that only a 17 year old can.
1993 - Love Tara