1970 - Band Of Gold
I think almost everyone knows the song 'Band Of Gold'. You could easily argue that it's one of the greatest soul songs of all time. If you don't find yourself singing along with this song like you fucking wrote it yourself, choking on every lyric, then you are a cold, dead husk and I hope there's a way to fix you, you Scrooge. :(
Also, there's something sick about the drummer on this song. Not sick like a guy in a Mountain Dew commercial would describe his "brah's" snowboard trick. No. Sick like, someone make sure that guy's doing ok. Is he about to snap?
Talk about single-minded, relentless drive... It's almost maddening.
Anyway, alot of you already know this.
However, NOT many of you have listened to the rest of this record.
You totally should.
This album is smoldering hot.
Freda is fucking amazing on every one of these songs. She totally owns it. The whole damn thing is a classic and everyone deserves to have this music in their lives.
Of interest also, is the fact that many of these songs were co-written with Ron Dunbar who later went on to help create the Parliament and Funkadelic worlds.
You can't get this on CD. Never was such a thing made in this country. You can either dish out a bunch of cash for an original vinyl copy, or order a fucking ridiculously expensive CD from Germany.
Oh, and there used to be a ridiculously expensive Japanese version of the CD. It's out of print though.
This is a tragedy I cannot abide by.
Rock this record.
Rock it damnit.
Check this bad-ass woman's website as well:
"Whatever! It's all good..."
1970 - Band Of Gold